Public Funded Projects

On-going Projects

Project Sys2Wheel – Year 1 report

Having two Elaphe M700 in-wheel motors fitted between standard disc brake and rim in front wheels results in favourable performance for delivery van applications.

Elaphe – Our digital route to the market

As part of Elaphe’s mission to strengthen our digital presence and commercial strategies, we brought in some experts to guide us through the dense forest of the digital space to find out how to leverage it for reaching more of those customers that will benefit from our technology, solutions and know-how. Elaphe v letu 2019 izvaja projekt »Nadgradnja elektronskega poslovanja v Elaphe« (e-LAPHE), katerega namen je olajšanje vstopa v globalne verige vrednosti in na nove trge, povečanje mednarodne konkurenčnosti poslovanja, izboljšanje in pospešitev interakcije s poslovnimi partnerji v tujini, bolj učinkovito pošiljanje in zbiranje informacij ter izboljšanje odnosov v Elaphe…

Elaphe predstavitev na sejmu »Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo«

7-9. Maj, 2019
Stuttgart, Nemčija

International conference: Berlin, Germany, 11.-14.2.2019

Elaphe attends international conference ADVANCED E-MOTOR TECHNOLOGY in Berlin.


Elaphe launches certification action for advanced certification of in-wheel technology and quality management.