When: April 10, 2019 – April 11, 2019
Where: Plaça dels Països Catalans, s/n 08014 Barcelona, Spain (Booth H-14)
Currently, digitization is entering all sectors. Traditional sectors merge with digital solutions and our world is becoming more and more connected. Thereby, big challenges arise in the field of less power consuming and multifunctional hardware as well as on data security, responsible handling of data and constantly updated legal regulations. The main hardware components of the IoT are smart systems – self-sufficient, mostly autonomous intelligent technical systems with advanced functionality. Their operation is being further enhanced by their ability to mutually address, identify and work in consortia with each other. Therefore, smart systems hold not only enormous potential for a wide range of applications, they also act as enablers for many future technologies.
The ecosystem of smart systems in Europe is mainly driven by EPoSS – the European Platform on Smart Systems Integration. The objectives of EPoSS consist of further developing the European industry network for the promotion of research in Smart Systems technologies, defining R&D priorities and policy requirements, co-ordinating efforts, launching common actions, and implementingjoint R&D strategies. In this sense, the Smart Systems Integration Conference and Exhibition is the most important platform for industry, science and politics to exchange know-how and knowledge as well as initiate new projects in this field.
The Smart Systems Integration Conference 2019 addresses all aspects of smart systems, starting from new materials and technologies, issues of integration, innovative smart systems, their manufacturing technologies, embedded software up to industrial applications.
Multiple in-wheel propulsion is enabling new opportunities for greater inter-connectivity and innovations in the artificial intelligence and machine learning domain, both within the system itself and of the system as a whole, on a vehicle and production processes level. AI in manufacturing enables bridging the gap towards scalable and efficient mass production. It’s application in the vehicle itself makes it safer, smarter and more fun to drive. Electric vehicles offer high potential for IoT since the philosophy behind them is closer much closer to ICT than that of fossil-fuel-powered vehicles. With that in mind, the Elaphe is looking forward to support advanced vehicle manufacturers, who are disrupting the world of today’s vehicles.
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