When: 2. November, 2017
Van der Valk Eindhoven,
The Netherlands
More info: HERE
Meet us at Bits&Chips Smart Systems conference on Nov 2nd 2017. Elaphe will speak about In-wheel: the ultimate platform for autonomous vehicles.
It is commonly accepted that autonomous vehicles are electric and redesigned to fit demographical (eg. ageing population), societal (eg. shared mobility), environmental (high efficiency) and technological (digitalization, multimodal transport) changes.
An in-wheel solution offers the biggest advantage that autonomous driving promotes: more space for passengers, more space for cargo, noise emission reduction and supreme performance with the capability of having more than 100 kW of power in each wheel. As self-driving vehicles need to minimize the possible error coming from lack of information, the safety of the vehicle could be increased by having road information from multiple in-wheel drives.
Come listen to us and other industry leaders in smart systems and intelligent vehicles, such as Nvidia, Philips, TomTom and others.
About the Bits&Chips Smart Systems – Connecting Brains event
Event will offer buzzing exhibition floor full of demonstrations, an in-depth conference programme with renowned speakers from both industry and academia and an interactive student programme for high tech professions in the making, it promises to be an inspiring day.
The high-quality conference programme targets both technical engineers, with a session on the intelligent vehicle, and technical management, with a session on architecting smart systems. What are the latest hot trends and innovative solutions? Which pitfalls have already been overcome and which have yet to be conquered? And what will the future hold in this ever-changing industry? Get you questions answered on 2 November.
On the buzzing exhibition floor you can check out the latest technological novelties – from Intelligent vehicles, smart systems to start-up demonstrations
Attend Bits&Chips Smart Systems to expand your knowledge and meet up with peers from the industry.
What Bits&Chips Smart Systems
When 2 November 2017
Where Van der Valk Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Who academia, researchers, designers, engineers and technical management
More information: