In the context of the Umbrella Project Kick-off, the funded research projects 3Ccar, OSEM-EV and SilverStream will present their vision concerning the “Next level of Electro-Mobility” to the public audience.
“Size matters”: 3Ccar is co-funded by ECSEL JU, 14 European countries and in total 30 European industrial partners and is driven by major automotive and semiconductor companies. OSEM-EV and SilverStream are funded by the H2020 – EU Green Car Initiative. Since electro-mobility becomes global, we welcome very much our partner from Taiwan and investors in European companies from China. The three projects will cooperate as a cluster, aiming to synergize their efforts and provide a harmonized research.
The projects will align their communication towards the citizen in the street, providing a clear answer on tomorrow´s economic and social needs. The cooperation of the consortia will act as a role model for the electro-mobility research. This will pave the way to the next level of efficiency, safety, robustness and the practical value of electric vehicles in the spirit of products conceived by European inventors.
The Umbrella session “Next level of Electro-mobility” in Brussels is embedded into the dedicated Kick-off-events of the three projects during June 8th and June 11th 2015. The Kick-offs are organized by Infineon Technologies AG as project coordinator.
These cluster projects, committed by major semiconductor and automotive suppliers, will bring more electric vehicles on Europe’s roads. They will make essential contributions to a faster market penetration of electrified cars. The research will center the customers of electrified vehicles by focusing on more comfort, higher efficiency and lower costs.
The total investment for the Cluster projects amounts to 70 million €. This investment, funded by public-private partnerships (PPP), will facilitate low-emission mobility, strengthen the competitiveness of the European industry not only in the regions and particularly in Germany but also in the global context.
The first purpose of the Umbrella Kick-off and related project starts is to get to know each other personally to facilitate a seamless cooperation from desk to desk among organizations, companies and countries.
The outcome enables synergizing cluster cooperation, providing more efficiency in work flow and research based on common efforts of the PPP with funding and research and also the aligned message to the public audience
As a core of the event, the Cluster will be presented to the public through guest speeches among the members of the financing stakeholders: ECSEL JU, the Directorate General, representatives of Member States and about 70 industrial companies and research partners.
The objectives of the PPP are presented by their respective representatives.
The technical and scientific objectives will be presented and discussed publicly and comprehensible by project partners. The following networking session is intended to stimulate a coordinated way forward on the part of industries as well as synergies of today’s funding tools at EU and national level. This event will also provide essential suggestions for press releases.