Elaphe is part of the AVL coordinated HiPERFORM consortium, investigating advanced production processes and methods for GaN based switch technologies for the application in the automotive domain. HiPERFORM stands for “High performant Wide Band Gap Power Electronics for Reliable, energy efficient drivetrains and Optimization through Multi-physics simulation”.
The project has completed it’s second year with many key achievements. Among others, Infineon and OnSemi presented a new generation of power GaN HEMTs that are now available for partners and will be used in the demonstrators.
Entering year 3 will strongly focus on the finalisation of the demonstrators. Elaphe will provide a complete powertrain with a high power density and high efficiency double inverter, based on Wide Band Gap materials.
Have a look at the Year 2 report to see more details on the project and achievements of the consortium so far. https://www.hiperform.eu/files/028de9703d7dcc8560e1ebad8f2222fb.pdf