Public Funded Projects

Projekti v teku

DREEM project – Designing user centric e-kickscooters & business models for enhancing intermodality

The project aims at finalizing and testing a safer and modular electric kick scooter (e-KS) for personal urban and suburban mobility. It presents 2 main innovation levels: on the vehicle side with the development of new features in term of modularity, foldability and improved safety; on the systemic side, the consortium will study and present (a) new business model(s) for a win-win situation for all stakeholders. The consortium relies on the extensive experience of consortium partners, on key learnings of on-going projects (e.g. H2020 STARS, CIVITAS Eccentric, IMOVE, STEVE, EU-LIVE), main partner core business (Bumpair for safety, Elaphe & Domel…

IKEEA – Razvoj inteligentnejše, varnejše, kompaktnejše in cenovno optimizirane krmilne elektronike za električne avtomobile

Projekt IKEEA prispeva k razvoju inteligentnejše, varnejše, kompaktnejše in cenovno optimizirane krmilne elektronike za električna vozila Elaphe Pogonske Tehnologije v sodelovanju s podjetjem EMSISO d.o.o. v letu 2020 izvaja projekt IKEEA (Inovativna krmilna elektronika za električne avtomobile), katerega namen je razviti inteligentni integrirani krmilnik za dva elektromotorja, ki naslavlja rastoči trg električnih vozil z inovativnimi pogonskimi arhitekturami, katere vsebujejo več kot en pogonski elektromotor na eni pogonski osi. Pobuda za projekt IKEEA je osnovana na podlagi tržnih trendov in prejetih povpraševanj. Trg električnih vozil se zelo hitro razvija in izkazalo se je, da proizvajalci električnih vozil potrebujejo inteligentno, zanesljivo, varno, kompaktno…

EPS – supported by InnoEnergy

The objective is a commercialized Sample C maturity of the complete distributed powertrain system based on Elaphe scalable and modular technology.

Project Sys2Wheel – Year 1 report

Having two Elaphe M700 in-wheel motors fitted between standard disc brake and rim in front wheels results in favourable performance for delivery van applications.

Elaphe – Our digital route to the market

As part of Elaphe’s mission to strengthen our digital presence and commercial strategies, we brought in some experts to guide us through the dense forest of the digital space to find out how to leverage it for reaching more of those customers that will benefit from our technology, solutions and know-how. Elaphe v letu 2019 izvaja projekt »Nadgradnja elektronskega poslovanja v Elaphe« (e-LAPHE), katerega namen je olajšanje vstopa v globalne verige vrednosti in na nove trge, povečanje mednarodne konkurenčnosti poslovanja, izboljšanje in pospešitev interakcije s poslovnimi partnerji v tujini, bolj učinkovito pošiljanje in zbiranje informacij ter izboljšanje odnosov v Elaphe…

Nadgradnja elektronskega poslovanja v Elaphe (e-LAPHE)

Nadgradnja elektronskega poslovanja v Elaphe (e-LAPHE)   Elaphe v letu 2019 izvaja projekt »Nadgradnja elektronskega poslovanja v Elaphe« (e-LAPHE), katerega namen je olajšanje vstopa v globalne verige vrednosti in na nove trge, povečanje mednarodne konkurenčnosti poslovanja, izboljšanje in pospešitev interakcije s poslovnimi partnerji v tujini, bolj učinkovito pošiljanje in zbiranje informacij ter izboljšanje odnosov v Elaphe dobavni verigi. V okviru projekta bomo: vzpostavili sistem za elektronska izmenjavo s strankami in partnerji; predstavili podjetje Elaphe na tujem spletnem prostoru in pripravili digitalne vsebine za interaktivni prikaz Elaphe produktov; pripravili novo spletno stran z novim konceptom predstavitve kolesnih pogonskih rešitev za…

Elaphe predstavitev na sejmu »Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo«

7-9. Maj, 2019
Stuttgart, Nemčija


EVC1000 – Electric Vehicle Components for 1000 km daily trips (EVC1000)    Elaphe role, objectives & partners: EVC1000 partners will provide innovative and mass production optimised components enabling the efficient integration of powertrain and chassis systems, which will increase EV range and user acceptance. Elaphe role is to equip two OEM vehicles with Elaphe motors and active suspension with focus on overall efficiency.   Project coordinator: AVL LIST GMBH; Austria GA Number: 824250 Project Start: 01.01.2019 Project End: 31.12.2021 READ MORE ABOUT EVC1000 PROJECT HERE: Project Co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020


SYS2WHEEL – Sustainable CO2-free city logistics    Elaphe role, objectives & partners:   Project aim is to provide brand-independent components, systems and architectures for efficient adaptation and conversion of commercial vehicle platforms to 3rd generation commercial battery electric vehicles (cBEVs) for future  CO2-free city logistics. Elaphe role is to equip OEM vehicle with suspended in-wheel and perform comparative study for light duty truck. Project coordinator: Kompetenzzentrum – Das Virtuelle Fahrzeug, Forschungsgesellschaft M.b.h.; Austria GA Number: 824244 Project Start: 01.01.2019 Project End: 31.12.2021 READ MORE ABOUT SYS2WHEEL PROJECT HERE:


Steve project – vehicle of needs, not vehicle of engineering .

International conference: Berlin, Germany, 11.-14.2.2019

Elaphe attends international conference ADVANCED E-MOTOR TECHNOLOGY in Berlin.


Elaphe launches certification action for advanced certification of in-wheel technology and quality management.