Slovenian automotive suppliers are aware that with the rapid electrification of mobility, they must urgently lay a strong foundation for the development of new products and technologies that will be on the market after 2027. Thus, they have joined forces and established a special consortium, which will conduct industrial research of electric motor systems of the future until the end of July 2025 under the so called i-Motion investment.

Strategic development conference “GREMO Mission” about new breakthrough steps in the automotive industry
Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob
The increasingly rapid electrification of vehicles and everything related to them requires car manufacturers and their suppliers to quickly adapt to the new reality and focus their activities on market competitiveness as much as possible. In order to stay on top, new products and solutions are needed, which will only come to the market in the following years to effectively solve the challenges in the field of electrification of drive systems. For this reason, Slovenian automotive suppliers have launched the i-Motion investment and formed a consortium. The partners (Domel, Elaphe Propulsion Technologies, Hidria, Iskra Mehanizmi, Kolektor Mobility, Kolektor KFH, Kolektor Sikom, Mahle Electric Drives Slovenia and Development Center Novo Mesto) are guaranteed that during the process or research and development of new concepts, models and products prototypes they will form strong partnerships that will make them more penetrating, more responsive, faster in development and thus more competitive in the long term.
As part of the GREMO (GREen MObility) Mission the i-Motion investment is worth 28.6 million EUR, of which slightly more than 16 million EUR will be contributed by the Slovenian Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sports, and the rest by the consortium partners. The i-Motion investment is simultaneously complemented by the e-Motion investment, as both are running in parallel (August 2022 until July 2025) but in terms of content, one and the other are completely separate. The results of e-Motion are aimed at developing products for rapid market penetration, whilst the results of i-Motion are aimed at providing products and solutions that will only be on the market after 2027. Nevertheless, both i-Motion and e-Motion are an important part of the GREMO Mission, as they contribute (a) to the planned growth of sales in the automotive industry from today’s five billion EUR to over seven billion EUR by 2030, (b) to an increase in the number of employees with a significant change in the employee structure in favor of higher and highly educated personnel and (c) to an increase in added value towards 80,000 or even EUR 100,000 per employee by 2030.