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Sustainability is also about delivering more with less!

More function, features, range space and performance with fewer components, natural resources, less energy and pollution. In the realm of EVs, it’s not about adding more hardware but about refining the architecture, polishing components, and fostering the evolution of algorithms, software, and functionalities.
It is important to note, that such purification process requires much more efforts than just adding stuff, so acceptance and efforts of many entities and experts are required to accomplish it. But this is the way to both sustainability and competitiveness.

Tehnološke vrednosti

Svoboda pri Snovanju

Z odstranitvijo odvečnih komponent pogonskega sklopa in sprostitvijo do 300 litrov volumna v šasiji, se odprejo nove priložnosti po razvoju boljših, pametnejših in stroškovno učinkovitejših vozil.

Tehnološke vrednosti

Izboljšana Dinamika Vozil

Fully software defined control of each wheel at 20-times the speed of any alternative powertrain delivers unprecidented performance, safety and comfort potential.

Submilisekundni odzivni čas kolesa (od ukaza do dejanja)
Lowest inertia with torque bandwidth 500Nm/ms

Tehnološke vrednosti

Daljši Doseg

Učinkoviteje zasnovano vozilo in manjše izgube pogonskega sklopa omogočajo 36% povečanje dosega ob enaki velikosti baterije.

95-odstotna učinkovitost pogona

Tehnološke vrednosti

Razširljivo in Modularno

Ploska platforma ima po meri narejen pogon z do 400 kW moči na kolo.

Up to 400 kW / 4000 Nm /3000 RPM per wheel
Motor je zasnovan s tipično/tradicionalno zavoro in ležaji

Technology enablers




Skalabilen in validiran sistem