Elaphe poganja prebojne inovacije na področju mikroelektronike za električna vozila z evropskim sofinanciranjem. Elaphe, vodilno slovensko podjetje na področju inovacij za električna vozila, je del ambicioznega evropskega projekta IPCEI ME/CT (Important Project of Common European Interest in Microelectronics and Communication Technologies), ki ga sofinancira Evropska unija skupaj z državami članicami. Projekt je osredotočen na spodbujanje razvoja naprednih tehnologij na področju…
On-going projects
The ZEV-UP project aims to develop modular, cost-effective, and user-centric EVs for both passenger and goods transportation. Leveraging innovative design and engineering techniques, ZEV-UP vehicles will be tailored to meet the specific needs of users in both developed and emerging markets, ensuring high levels of user acceptance and market uptake. The project will achieve lighter vehicles with increased autonomy and…
In-wheel motors (IWMs) have become a mature technology that is well-suited for new user-centric electric vehicles (EVs). IWMs can be integrated in multi-functional and controllable modules consisting of the electric powertrain, friction brake and suspension/steering actuation. By combining several vehicle functionalities in a compact solution, the modules offer substantial opportunities to enhance the design and operation of EVs. This is…
Slovenian automotive suppliers are aware that with the rapid electrification of mobility, they must urgently lay a strong foundation for the development of new products and technologies that will be on the market after 2027. Thus, they have joined forces and established a special consortium, which will conduct industrial research of electric motor systems of the future until the end…
EM-TECH stands for “Innovative e-motor technologies covering e-axles and e-corners vehicle architectures for high-efficient and sustainable e-mobility.” The project brings together 10 participants from industry and academia to develop novel solutions to push the boundaries of electric machine technology for automotive traction, through: innovative direct and active cooling designs; virtual sensing functionalities for the high-fidelity real-time estimation of the operating…